by Lisa Vihos
�If you hear the song I sing, you will understand.�
I woke up today
so far outside the dream
I was not sure about up,
down, or which way
would take me forward.
There are days like this
when everything is changing,
and I find myself a bundle
of concerns, a bundle
of desires, waiting.
I hear songs in my head,
voices of long, long ago
of a dream that others had
and a world that could be,
should be, might be.
If only I would do the right thing
say the right thing, write the right
poem. It's not up to me.
I am not it, but,
I am part of it.
My job: to remind you,
you are part of it, too.
Lisa Vihos writes poetry in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Her fourth chapbook Fan Mail from Some Flounder is forthcoming from Main Street Rag in 2018. She is an organizer for 100 Thousand Poets for Change and an occasional guest blogger for The Best American Poetry.