Rarely has the idiom �virtue is its own reward� looked better than it does in light of the sex scandals sweeping the nation. The so-called �prudishness,� of a previous generation and the respect most men were once taught to have for women � and which Hugh Hefner and his disciples of �free love� mocked � are looking better with each passing day.
Conservatives have been told they can�t impose their morality on others, so how is its opposite working out for individuals and the culture?
Washington Post columnist Christine Emba writes, ��now could be the time to reintroduce virtues such as prudence, temperance, respect and even love.�
�What�s love got to do with it?� asked Tina Turner? Everything. If you love somebody or something � from institutions, to people � you are bound to treasure them, as opposed to what you dislike, don�t respect and treat like a disposable item that is useful for the moment, but is discarded when it has served your purpose.
Who decided traditional virtues were no longer viable and should not be taught to schoolchildren? Was a study conducted that found young people were being damaged from learning how to live and respect one another? Were they expected to catch these virtues on their own without guidance from elders? If so, why do we teach table manners, not interrupting when someone else is talking, sharing and many other things to counter what our lower nature doesn�t teach us?