Gun owners in America may have good reason to rejoice in the coming weeks with Congress poised to move on legislation allowing national concealed carry reciprocity. However, all is not well in the court system as the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a critical case involving a renewed ban on so called �assault weapons.� But it could be worse, as over in the UK, the government is pushing another mandatory gun turn-in program for those who have guns but supposedly don�t want them or need them anymore.
On Tuesday, the House Judiciary is scheduled to consider the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. Most concealed carry permit holders have long awaited Congress to make a move on this legislation because each state currently has its own standards for issuing conceal carry permits. Some states have much stricter standards than others, and the result has been confusion and misinterpretation of each state�s existing law. Not to mention there have been numerous cases of people traveling through a state while carrying concealed only to be pulled over for routine traffic stops resulting in trouble over the gun.
The current House Bill would allow travelers to cross state lines with valid conceal carry permits, even if it meant traveling from a state with lax standards to one with strict standards. It would also allow individuals who reside in �permitless carry� states to carry a firearm throughout the country with no permit at all and it would require states to allow their own residents to carry guns with �non-resident permits� that they obtained from another state.
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