by Heather Newman
Bitcoin just passed $8,000. �TechCrunch, November 20, 2017I�m getting in on it like a circle
in a square, the mystery game
for the digital play, a dig out
of the mines, out of control.
Like Pet Rock. That was
something. Beanie
Babies. Killer. Xbox vs.
PlayStation. Who knew.
Coffee, tea and water.
But Bitcoin is better.
Now that�s fun to say!
Block my chain, this is
better than blowing bubbles.
I�m showing my age.
Heather Newman is an MFA candidate at The New School (NYC.) Her work has appeared in V
oices from Here, Vol. II, TheNewVerse.News, The Potomac, Two Hawks Quarterly, Aji Magazine, Matter, Erma Bombeck Writers� Workshop and