by S.O.Fasrus
Detail from the Cable Street Mural, a large mural painting in the East End of London apinted by Dave Binnington Savage, Paul Butler, Ray Walker and Desmond Rochfort between 1979 and 1983 to commemorate the street battle in October 1936 against Oswald Moseley and his fascist Black Shirts� march down Cable Street. |
Why the Nazis came to Charlottesville.
And why I was wrong not to confront them.
She will not watch from side walks
she will not shrug
and shop.
Speak my language
dare to care
this crusade will not be rained upon.
Scribble through the night
we wear our placards
our fashion will never weary�
and dear
we know who we are
you know who we stand for.
We are our own headlines
our own music�
we are the song you think you heard before
we are the old song with new words
we are the tune from your cradle
This is OUR parade.
OUR parade.
Our parade
is American
It's American.
SHE did not watch from side walks
SHE did not shrug
and shop.
S.O.Fasrus has verses at
LUPO and is currently writing a YA novel.